Saturday, 21 May 2011

Wife's Headshave...........Sathish

      Hai friends my wife did head shave and also her sister shaved in tirupathi. We started at evening and stayed in cottatge. me and my wife also her mother and sister. finally see my hair bcoz 2morow it will gone shave. and i smiled. next day morning we took bath and went for head shave. we reached in small kalyanakatta and took 3 tickets for me and wife also for my mil. there is no that much rush there. we stood in q. awaiting for our turn. i was watching her long hair moving in the Q. 

      My mil was shave her hair first.Then after that my wife told to sit. i was sat in front of the barber and shave my head and mustach. then my wife read with her long hair till her thigh. she was taking some time for wetting her whole hairs. on that time the barber told to another person to sit for tonsure. my wife ready for tonsure. she was sat for tonsure. the barber divided her hair into two half. and he put a knot even thoug hair was hanging till her hip. my mil told to the barber dont mind start shave her hair. he started from the middle slowly. after he just shaved her half side soonly. and i saw her with hlf shaved head. i laughed. and he finished the other side. my mil told to do smooth shave. and gave tips to the barber. he told her hair was very good and thick. till will grow fast. her sister asked my mil what about my ticket. my mil scold her dont tonsure bcoz she was 18.

      She told i dont care am also going to tonsure. she was orgueing with her. my wife told my mil give her permission. that is her wish to tonsure here. my mil told after marriage u go for tonsure. and her sis never giveup. finnaly my mil told me to take ticket for her. i came with ticket and gave it to her. my wife stand with her sis in Q again and she open her plait and wetting hair. sis told that she was nervous. and sat infront of the another barber and he massaged well with water. my wife put one knot and the barber put another. he started from the front side and finished front portion. and turnher head right side shave the back part of right side. finnaly the hair was hanging in the left side of back portion and he shaved that side the hair was falling on her lap. after that he started for smooth shave from nape and shave in chin. we there was some blood in her head. he rubbed with one stone. and we took bath and went for darshan. we saw the lord balaji and got laddu. and my wife was looking like small cute girl. she is looking like child. her sis told i was happy and enjoy the shave. there no wastage of time for combing and pony tail. we are enjoy the trip and enjoy the tonsuring ceremony.

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