Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Tonsure by Chamu

         My name is Sruthi.This is a true story which happened when i was in my college Ist year.I was staying in the hostel. I went home for pongal holidays.I went home in the morning.I took rest for some time  and then I went to the kitchen to have some coffee.My mother was busy busy cooking in the kitchen.When I went inside my mother gave me coffee.While having coffee my mom told that we are going to Tirumala the next day.

         I asked her why they had planned asudden trip.She told me that our whole family(includes my dad,mom,my younger sister and myself.) is going to get tonsured.I asked her what was the reason.She told,"I had a vow that if you good marks in +2 and your sister clears 10th, I will make you both to get tonsured in tirumala.Even your father got promotion.He told that he will also get tonsured.if all our family problems are solved i prayed that i will get tonsured.Actually we should have tonsured as soon as your results came.But due to some circumstances our trip was postponded.So we thought that we should get tonsured during this pongal.Thats why we planned the trip now.

         "I told her that  I cant get my headshaved. She asked me why.I told her that I cant go with bald head in front of myfriends.She convinced me that it is for my good and if i dont fulfil the vow some bad thing will happpen in our family.She told that even my sister has accepted to tonsure.Then I  finally accepted.As planned the next day we Started from chennai at 3am in the morning.We reached tirumala by 7am.We went to the guest house and took rest for some time.Then we went  to kalyanakatta for tonsure.My dad went to the counter for buying the tokens and blades.My dad and mom got  tokens for a different queue.My sister and myself got tokens for asame queue.My dad went to the barber and sat for headshave.

         The barber poured some water on his head and massaged for some time.He changed the blade in his razor and started in the middle of the head.In no time my  dad was bald.Then my mom sat for the headshave.The barber poured a bowl full of water on my mom's head.he massaged for some time and he tied into two plaits on either side.Then he changed the blade in the razor.He bent my mom's head and and started from the middle of the head towards the nape. In few minutes he completed the head shave.Then my mom rubbed the head with her hand.As it was rough she requested the barber again to shave the head smooth.As requested the barber once again poured water on her head and shaved it very smoothly.Then she got up by caressing her newly shaven head.Then we both went to a barber as per the token given to us.

         First my sister sat for the headshave.The barber poured a bowl full of water on her head.he massaged for some time and two plaits on either side.Then he changed the blade in his razor.He bent her head and started from the middle towards her nape.Slowly white patch started to appear.As the shaving was going on she was feeling very happy.When he turned her head to left side to shave on the right side,she saw me and was smiling.After the shave was over,she touched her head and said him to shave once again.The barber was excited and shaved her head once again.Then she got up.Then came the crucial time.I was very nervous.My mother made me to sit before the barber.The barber wetted my hair thoroughly as i had buttock length hair.Then he tied the plaits.He changed the blade in his razor.Water was dripping.He bent my head and started to shave.Hair was falling like rain on my shoulder and lap.As i could not control I started to cry.My mom shouted at me not to cry.She made me to bend my head properly so that the headshave will be smooth without any cuts.then he finished without any cuts.all my hair was on my lap.My mother told him to shave once again.He shaved my head smooth.Then I got up rubbing my head.Then we went to the guest house.Immediately i went and saw myself in the mirror.I was shocked to see myself.Then we took bath and went to the temple for darshan.

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