Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Cut my Hair by Navin

      Priya and I have been married for three years and we have been enjoying every second of our married life. I am working in a bank and she teaches English in a reputed school. I like Priya for her positive attitude, helping nature and sense of humour. But when I fell in her love at first shght, I didn't know any of these qualities. It was her long and raven hair that attracted me much. I am a great hair enthusiast and naturally her gorgeous hair attracted me. I first saw her in one of my cousin's marriage. After some time I proposed her and she also agreed to marry me. Thus we married in December,2003.

      I brush her silky hair whenever I get an opportunity. I asked her to cut it short for some time as she would look more beautiful with a short hair style. But she is against cutting her hair short. Her thick plait swings on her butts and she enjoys the touch of her plait on her butts. But once in six months she allows me to trim split ends. Even then I can cut ony less than one inch.

      But one year back Priya found one bitter fact about her hair. Some grey strands appeared here and there in her thick tresses. It caused great worry to her. She sought my advice. What can I tell? The only solution for this problem is dying it black. So I suggested her to apply hair dye. But how? She doesn't like visiting a beauty parlour. So I took up the project of her hair dying.
I bought Godrej hair dye and a brush to dye. On 10th of Jaunary,2006 I dyed her hair black for the first time. Since then I have to take up that project once in a month. So her problem is solved and she stopped worrying about her grey hair.

      One day she returned from her school with a red face. She was very angry with me. For the first time I saw her in such a mood. I asked the reason for her anger. She didn't talk for some time and then revealed the cause. Her colleague in the school noticed that Priya is dying her hair and the colour of her hair is not natural. It was the reason for her bad mood. I could not say any thing. After all what can I do? I tried my level best to cover all her grey strands. But her hair is very long and it is not easy for me to touch each and every strand. I am not a professional hairdresser. I told her the same.But she was not convinced with my explanation. A week passed heavily. During those week days Priya could not behave with me normally. But after some time she realised her mistake. She apoloziged me and requested me to get a solution for this. 

      We consulted a hairdresser who is one of our bank's customer. She also said that there is no permanat solution except dying at regular intervals. But she advised to maintain short length hair so that it would become easier to dye thoroughly. Priya could not digest that suggestion. We returned home with heavy hearts. Two months passed. I dyed her hair twice in these two months. But she is not satisfied with my performance.
She thought very deeply and decided to cut hair short. On a fine morning she expressed her decision. I was shocked to listen to her decision. I asked her if she was sure about it. But she very firm in her decision. She said that she took that extreme decision after a profound thinking. She also asked me to cut it short. She is not willing to visit a salon for this purpose. I told her that her friends may not appreciate her hair if cut it short all of sudden. So I suggested her to go for a short style in four or five phases. She accepted my suggestion. So I decided to cut her hair in a phased manner.

      I bought a cute pair of scissors, a hair brush and a water sprinkler used in salons. It was second Saturday in August. She had no school. I returned from bank in the afternoon. Priya shampood her hair in the morning. When I entered home I saw her sitting on sofa with her long hair spreading on her back. We had our lunch at 1 o' clock. Priya asked me to go for the first cut on that day. She led me to our bedroom and stood before the dressing table. I removed the hair band from her hair. I brushed it thoroughly to clear tangles. Then I sprinkled water to make it damp. I brushed it again. Then I took the scissors in my right hand. I held the end of her hair in my left hand and cut six inches of her silky hair. I brushed it . It was equal at the bottom. She sighed and braided it. After fifteen day or so I cut another six inches of her hair. Like that I cut it four times in three months. It was just below her shoulders.

      Then we decided to go for a final cut. I proposed bobbed cut. Priya readily agreed. On 15th December I did it. It was 8 p.m. After having our dinner we sat for the last go. She sat on a stool before the dressing table. I brushed her hair and took the scissors. Carefully I started cutting her hair from her left side. I manoeuvred the scissors slowly to reach the other side. But I didn't cut very short. It was just above her shoulders. Priya is very happy with her new hair style.

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