Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Anjith's Prey--Part 2 by Decibel

Hi All!

     Cool to meet you again. Well, let me start the remaining part of my story. Long time after I joined the college I nourished my mind with knowledge of studies and also developed fetish towards head shaving. My college is a co-education I did not missed to have a glance of girls with various bob, short and long tress trimmed and colored,  traditional braids and with various hair styles. I would fantasize with my imagination to make them sit cross legged and shave them neatly with my favorite straight razor like a cue ball.  But all were my imaginations. To mention I did not have got any chance since my experience in shaving Shilpa aunt's hair. Sometimes I would recall that incident and feel happy about it that's all.

      At my college, I got a friend named Kavitha. Let me call her Kavi since its her nick name. Kavi is not only my friend but both of our families are friends. Her family were staying near our house ages before, but her father got transferred to this city and we lost contact about them.Once I met Kavitha's uncle at the time of joining college, we renewed our contact. My parents were very happy about it since they were to take care of me as I am staying at hostel. Kavi was my child hood friend but now our bondage became very strong. I got admission to the same engineering college she studied luckily which I never expected we would be put into the same department. This gave me privilege to frequently visit her house and stay close with her and spend more time.

      One of the main reason I liked about her the most is need not mention is her hair. A chestnut brown color lush hairs, lightly faded with brown color in the middle and her back gave a good contrast without any hair coloring. A thick growth of her hair extended to her waist. She had conditioned to perfect status made her to look like a shampoo model. She had never gave a hair cut but merely trimmed to avoid split ends. Sometimes our topic of chat in tea time would be related to hair. On that times, I gave so many information regarding hair cut and styiling which made her and friends jaw-opened. They asked me if I was working part time as a stylist or something. I simply smiled and cut it out. Some times I had touched Kavitha's hair but she would slap me playfully. This made me very jealous and my deep in heart craved to see her bald headed.

      It was a second year end and I was about to start vacation. Kavi's informed that her family has planned to go to pilgrimage later that week and asked me if I would like to join with her. I told I could not come since I am going to my home town. Later that day her mom called me to come to her house for lunch. By the time our exams were over so the hostel was closed. Since there is no proper food there, I went to her home. We had a great lunch over there and Kavi's mom asked her that some provisions were not bought for the pilgrimage so she asked to buy it for her. Kavi's dad saw me smile and signalled to aunt. He beckoned Kavi to come with him. She reluctantly went away. Meanwhile Kavi's mom asked me to call my home. I asked why. She told that she will tell me. I obeyed her and dialed the number. She took the phone with her to another room and spoke with my mom. After five minutes she came with a smiling face.

      I did not understand what was happening around me. But I was waiting patiently. Aunt sat beside me and told the story. For some days both Aunt's and uncle's health and business went down so they had been in worry what would be wrong. It was discovered that Kavi's dad had his family had a vow pending that the whole family would offer their hair to the village Goddess at yearly festival if they get settled with a good status and assets. But due to business he forgot the vow for all these years.  Some month's before he consulted a soothsayer who reminded that there is some pending vow which makes their family trouble. He warned that there would be some danger may happen so he must fulfill the vows without any delay. He had informed about this to aunt and both of them consulted the plan.They will go to pilgrimage on Kavitha's college vacation and they all would get their head shaved. Since Kavitha would never accept in anyways, so her dad had told the idea I would be the perfect person to reveal and fulfill as I could talk her in a right way so she could accept it.
I could hardly believe it. I keenly asked what she had talked to my mom about. She told that they could take me with them to the temple so if Kavitha would not be feeling bad. I knew that how she will react when she is not in am good mood. I told that I could try that but I don't hope for the best and it would end up worst. Aunt told that there are other ways to make her come to their way but it should not be done, since she should feel willingly offer for the vow to be successful.

      She talked for while but I acted as if I was led to a delicate situation. Her mom requested me twice and I accepted as if I agreed reluctantly. She was happy and asked me to carry me things and join the travel. That night I returned to my room and packaged the things, It would be a day travel and I would be enjoying the sight of my girl friend getting shaved.

      When I rummaged the things back in my room to packed my luggage, I came across a straight razor. My friend used it sometime back for his use. Something struck me. What if I take opportunity to shave Kavitha's head? Why can't I give it a try? There is always a luck behind me which I hope for the best. So I packed the kit with my luggage.

      It was early morning 4:00 AM at the railway station. I reached there and met their family. Kavitha's with her sister Sukanya were waiting for the train. Let me introduce her elder sister Sukanya. Sukanya, aged 27 with a graduation worked as a trainer in a local computer institute. She is a good looking girl, clever and witty. Her hair looked stunning , half curly not as same as Kavitha's straight hair. All of their family ladies had a waist length conditioned hair as same as Kavitha. But uncle and aunt developed grey hairs a lot. Kavitha inquired me with hell a lot of questions why I have come there. Her mom cut in and explained that my mom asked her to take me also with them for pilgrimage. She was very happy as I was accompanying her too.Me Sukanya and Kavitha with her dad enjoyed our travel a lot. I cut jokes and mocked Kavi and it was a fun. Her mom always looked at me with an inquiring look when she will be informed with the vow. I convinced her it will be done at the right time.

     Our Journey ended in the village railway station and we planned to take a cab to the town. We travelled another 5 hours from there to the interior part of the village.  It was a yearly festival for the village Goddess. It was as like a mid of the town so we had got a big house to stay. I don't know where uncle has arranged all these but it was neatly planned and executed.

     During the travel Kavitha's mom nudged me to tell the matter and I told I will tell her at the room and if possible I will make her take to the shaving area and get the job done. We reached the room and took rest. Both uncle and aunt started to make their vow done.They told Kavitha that they will return after sometime and they have work I told that I will accompany with Kavitha.

      We went to the terrace area to look at the view of the town. There are crowd everywhere. different kind of people with different colors and it was a great sight to see. I saw a beautiful lady with a thick braid wearing jasmine flowers passing our street. I told Kavitha that how does her hair look. Kavitha replied it is beautiful to see her in that costume. Then a lady with bald head passed. I told that what if the girl we saw look like if she would have shaved her head. Kavitha turned to me. "So you want her to be bald?"  I told "Yes, if not her at least you to be bald. Nonsense! I would not shave my head at all. I asked her whether will she shave her head for any real cause or if her father vows.I told if at all I was required to sacrifice my vanity I will really don't ever think about sacrificing it. That is the real humanity. She thought for sometime and no nodded as if accepted. I told the entire story tho her. Kavitha instantly became dull and a bit nervous.She was shocked to hear that she has been brought all the way to be shaved.  She told she will never sacrifice her beauty unless there real cause and desire and would not even think about it. Sukanya came back and told we are required to come to the shaving area. We both followed her.

      The shaving area was highly crowded. It was a wonderful sight to see with lot of females appeared completely shaved head, getting shaved and waiting in the queue. While we are searching for them I pointed a girl getting shaved. She was the same girl we saw at the streets which we argued about. Her head was drenched with water and the barber started to massage her head. He quickly took the straight razor and moved it right at the middle of her hair. A broad white scalp got revealed in the middle of the black hair. Within minutes she was bald. He turned her head right side and gave a quick scratch on her head stroke by stroke the thick bun fell down. The girl glanced at us, smiled and gave the money to the barber and went away. Kavitha got thrilled and bit her lips. I mocked her and told she was bald as I expected, what about her. She got annoyed but I sensed that she is interested at that. She kept on looking some females getting shaved turning here and there.

      When we searched her parents we found they were almost completed with their vow. Kavitha's mom turned sitting back and the barber finished shaving the remaining parts of the stubble and she got completely bald now. Her father was first I believe. Both of them looked like cue balls. Her mother who was waiting for us quickly asked Kavitha to come beside her. I stayed back and the sisters went to talk.

      A few minutes I saw a commotion. Kavitha had a heated argument with her mom which I could not over hear from my place. After a while she came to me and asked me to come to our room. I did not asked anything but told her to proceed and I will follow within a minute. I quickly went to her mom and asked what is the matter. She told that Kavitha is willing to make the vow but according to her wish. She did not tell what she was up to and went away. I sensed I am going to win. I kept my face serious and told I convince her and do whatever she wished.  I asked if possible I could arrange anything and make her shaved. Aunt gave me full permission and asked to return within 3 hours since the festival will begin around noon and all of us must be assembled before that. I asked Sukanya to accompany me and we returned to our guest house.

     At the guest house we searched and found sitting in the terrace. Sukanya went beside her and asked what is the matter and why she argued with mom like that.Sukanya asked if she is not willing to sacrifice her vanity for her father. Kavitha immediately replied her that she is willing, but hesitant and shy to get shaved in public like that. She could not explain and mom will never listen her feelings. I cut in and told if she is willing to get it done here itself. Sukanya now got puzzled. She told bringing barber here will not be possible since no one will come here for us leaving the festival crowd. I told I will do it for Kavitha. Both of them got shocked. They told how come it is possible. I told I have a handy tool for it.

      In another five minutes everything was set. I kept a straight razor with a pair of scissors and a comb.Both sisters are astonished with the arrangement. Kavitha took the razor in hand and ask how did I get that. I replied it was 'accidentally' misplaced by my friend who used my bag,  forgot to take it back. I asked who to start first.Both of them looked each other and Kavitha was still hesitant. Sukanya courageously told she will come first. I asked her to sit cross legged in the wooden seat. She obeyed me.  I asked how does she require it to be done.She asked if there are any choices. I told yes. She replied to cut her plait completely and then proceed with the rest. I took the scissors and glanced Kavitha. She was eagerly watching as if what I am going to do. I took a deep breath. Then I went behind sukanya and took Sukanya's plait firmly and kept the scissors.Now the scossor jaws closed in a large lock.First cut! It's crunched with a big sound and the lock got cut. I took pace. Second snip, third one and on and on. I vogourosly snipped it on further severing the plait. Since her half curled hair was very hard to cut I did not stop moving on.Within a minute the plait got released from her head. I handed over a waist length plait to her. Now her hair appeared as if it got an irregular bob and her remaining hairs dangled in air. I gave the cover to Sukanya and asked to keep the plait in there. I took a mug of warm water. I asked Sukanya to see the sky and went back to her. I poured the water gently on her head and drenched it massaged it nicely. Her head became moist and damp. Now I took a comb and neatly seperated her hair into two partsfront and back. I then took a straight razor and loaded it with a blade. Sukanya prayed now. I bowed her head towards myself. I kept the razor right in the middle of the forehead and moved it towards the line slowly the hair fell off revealing the scalp. and the next part and slowly moved it. The friction of the blade were mesmerising. Slowly her front head was removed from her hair. Sukanya closed her eyes and was enjoying the cool breeze. Now I turned lightly and started to shave the bangs.The hair fell down llike rain all over and fell on her lap. Next I moved on shaving the temple area. and the front line was completed.Now I moved the razor gently the left part. I paused and let Kavitha to look at it. She seemed even more eager than before. Suddenly she came and touched Sukanya's bald head. I asked Sukanya to turn backwards. Now I started from the crown and shaved the nape area. I bended her head and shaved her nape twice to remove the stray hairs. Sukanya now turned like a sheep shorn for wool. I asked Sukanya if she wanted to be left with stubble. But she told it is enough for her. I then ran my fingers across her head and told there are some stubbles left. So I again shaved it smooth with no hairs left. Sukanya dusted herself and told it is a good job.

      Kavitha was seeing eagerly all this time and she went near Sukanya and rubbed her head. She laughed at her. Sukanya said to us to make it fast since there is less time left. Saying this she went to take bath. I asked Kavitha she is still hesitant. She turned to me and said that She is ready but one condition. I asked what is that about. She told that she does not want scissors. I told that I am glad to do that. I asked to sit down. Kavitha sat with a bit nervous. I placed my hands on her shoulders and said don't worry. The first time I touched her hair it was like heaven.It was soft, shiny straight and smooth unlike Sukanya's rough, half curled hair. All the time what I was fantasizing finally became true. She is going to be bald by my hands! I asked if I could start. She nodded. I took a mugful of warm water again. I took the water and drenched it nicely. Then I massaged it continously till the root got wet. Kavitha enjoyed with closed eyes. I gave a nice massage for her head. The water dropped on her forehead. I then took a towel and wrapped it nicely. The towel removed the excess water and made her hair moist and damp. I took the towel off and she looked stunning beautiful with damp hair spreaded sideways. I asked to sit straight and took a comb.

     I combed her hair and made the hair fall free from the crown.Her free falling hair touched the floor. The back of her body was covered as a black colored blanket. I combed it towards her back and then made two seperations from her forehead.  It was bit hard to comb since her hair was thick and massive.I was enjoying every moment. I sat in front of her. I asked is she ready. She nodded like yes. I took the straight razor and replaced it with a new blade. I asked her to pray for good. She was puzzled but prayed for a minute.I told her to close her eyes and enjoy the feel but not to open it till I say. She closed with a smiling face. I asked her to bow towards me and hold her head. Now I started to shave her front line of the forehead. Slowly it revealed the scalp.Locks of hair fell on her lap. I then shaved the front portion of the hair.The white scalp started to reveal. I then moved on to the shave the bangs. Now the fore head and side burns of hair were vanished by my razor. The right side of her front head was compeltely bald now. The hair resumed to fall like rain and her bald patch gradually started to grow wider. I asked Kavi how did she felt. Shei told that she started to enjoy. She asked to go on. I slowly went to the ear portion. I bended right ear and removed the hairs. Then I repeated the left portion too. Now I asked her to sit straight. I saw her half head completely bald and aroused to see the half bald girl. I now parted the remaining hairs aside and shaved at the crown. I went to her back and continue the removal of nape hairs and the back completely. Now she left only with a stubble. She asked if it is completed. I told it is not. I then took the shaving cream and squeezed it I asked her to bow her head. She obeyed. I lathered her head nicely and massaged till it foamed nicely. She started to moan like anything. I thought she may be aroused. I took the razor and shaved it till the stubble got completely removed. I ran the fingers on to her head the opposite ways and confirmed she is bald.I told her it is now complete and to open her eyes. I handed her a mirror and asked to look. She was astonished to see herself got a different look. She laughed at her and repeatedly rubbed her bald head number of times. She took a look at her face and became curious. She told her face looks strange. I examined it and told she got lot of stray hairs which looks odd. I told I could do it in no time. I took the shaving cream and applied lather to her face and shaved her face like a man. I shaved ther forehead and adjusted the eyebrows. I the shaved the face twice and removed the stray hairs in no time. I gave the miror again and she looked at it. She told it is nice. She stood up and suddenly removed her T-shirt. I was shocked. She stood with the bra and asked me to clean her armpit hairs also.  It was thick as a bush and I told it has missed so many shaves. I did not have to explain I removed it gently with my razor. After that she misceveously smiled at me and complemented as I am a great barber.

     It was a memorable moment in my life. By then we cleaned the place and I took those hairs and gave it to a barber as vow.We took bath arrived at a perfect timing for the festival. I took a promise that my barber job not to be revealed atany cost. They smiled and promisedit would not be revealed. Aunt and Uncle were so surprised but they got very happy seeing both of her daughters got their vows accomplished. Aunt hugged me and cried in joy. We completed the festival successfully and returned to our hometown by train.

      At night I was slept peacefully in the train berth rewinding the scene of shaving Kavitha in my mind. Suddenly I felt someone touched me. I opened my eyes and it was Kavitha! She beckoned me to come down from my berth. I went down behind her. When we reached beside the door suddenly she hugged me tightly. I was surprised and asked what are you doing. With her eyes tearing she told Anji I love you! I told I love you too but what is the reason of telling me in that odd hours. She then revealed everything to me.  From her child hood I was her favourite. She watched me closely every time and even the time of our seperation she was enquerying about me. When we joined the college and her infactuation grew as love.  One day when I talked about the hair she was so puzzled. Without my knowledge she has spied me and found all my habits.She discovered that I love hair fetish. This made her love vigourous and she it went deep enough to sacrifice her vanity for me. She told that if at all any man touches her it must be me. She told that she was completely mine and only because of that she accepted to get shaved by me. She asked if I would accept her love now.
Hearing everything I got so surprised but really got impressed. I tightly hugged her and removed the cloth from her head. I gave a deep kiss on her bald head. I told her from today I accept her as my life partner. Our love grew like her thick lush as her hair. We married some years after we got settled happily and now. We both went for the festival 8 years later not to shave that time but to worship the village Goddess who bonded our love.

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