Saturday, 21 May 2011

Nice Tonsure by Krishnan

      My friend mamitha, her syster lina and myself started to tiumalathis tuesday. first we reached the tirupati station. we booked a lodge, and completly finished the temples like kalahasthi,and temples near the tirupati. then we started wednesday night to tirumala. we reached their by night 8.00.we immediatly checked in a room which is run by ttd.then after relaxing their for some minutes we wnt outside to have dinner. while going out we saw a tonsuring hall in our. we stayed in woodlands was so crowded. many children, teens,men and also women were waiting to get tonsure. for the first time i witnessed the whole process of tonsuring. there wre nearly 5 barbers in that hall. we stood outside and saw the process of tonsuring. it was nice.

      Then i asked mamitha and lina to whether to get tonsured now itself. they said we will see it tomo. morning .then we had the dinner and we slept. the next day morning we stood up at 6.30 am. it was so cold. we changed our dress and prepared to go for a tonsure. we decided to go to kalayanakatta.i weared a dhothi, lina and mamitha weared a nighty as the hair straps will stick in the dress which is hard to remove. so we went and stood in the q. there was computerised slotting fo costumers to a barber. so i purchase three tickets. each is assigned to a no. which is assined to a barber. i got a seperate barber wreas lina and mamitha got to a same barber. they distribued a half blade to each ticket.then we stood in the barbers q. 

      There wre only 1 person who was having tonsure to the barber to whom i hav assigned. then i sat before the barber. he started wetting up my hair. then he cahnged his blade. he started this my first remombaral tonsure.i was hearing a sound szzzzz, szzzzz my hair which i grown with shampoo, and oil started falling in laps. it was over within 5.00 min. i could hardly recogonice me. then i went to saw mamitha and lina they wre still in the q b'cos the barber was attending the previous clint. then mamitha sat before. he wetted her hair first and started shaving her head from the back head. then he moved towards the forehead and completly finished off. then lina sat and the same process was cont. for her also as she is having more hair he put 2 knots after wetting the hair and started shaving. it was a nice exp for all of us. then we took bath and had a frantastic dharshan of lord balaji and we retturned to chennai. our inmates hardly recogonised us.we took photogrs after returning to chennai.

1 comment:

chetan said...

i love your story please send me a picture