Saturday, 21 May 2011

Tonsure by Sagarika

      Hai friends this is sagarika.Actually we planned on 30th April to tpt and reached there on 1st morning and went up hill and took rest for some time and got fresh and wear new dress as it is my first marriage day went around for some time and finished lunch then the time came for our head shave ,tension started in my mind. My hand going around my hair. my hubby want to start quick for shaving but I was making late to spend some time with my long hair at that time I was opening my tail and trying different types of tails. My hubby taken photos of different styles of my tail and finally i prepared nice knot and started to kalyanakatta for head shave. While on the way to kalyana katta I bought some flowers and wound around my knot. Then my hubby took some photos with hair and flowers and he told with in one hour no hair and flowers by holding my head and knot. My tension got increased, he started walking fast .finally we entered into the q line.

     After some waiting we went to the tokens counter. We got two different tokens for ladies and gents. We went to next step there a man giving half blades to every one who got the tokens. he asked me are for gundu as I am looking posh. I felt some shy and told yes, then he gave me a half blade and we preceded to gents tonsure hall first. There my hubby stands in his q and waiting for his turn by wetting his head. in the mean while I was watching around any ladies shaving their heads. I didn’t saw any one my tension increasing .mean while my hubby finished shaving I cleaned his head with my chunni and touched it is very smooth. We were preceded to ladies hall for my turn. There were lady barbers. So many ladies are shaving their heads. I stood my q line and watching how they shave. Just before me one college going girl with long hair like me wetting her head for head shave.

      She sat down and the barber divided her hair into two parts and prepared two loose side knots and pored some water and rubbed her head, changed the blade in the straight razor and bent the girls head and started on the center of the head in the first stroke a small patch on the head and the size increasing with time. After 3 mts half head completed on knot fell on her lap. The girl took her hair and put it down. In the next 3 mts total head completed .she get up with smile touching her freshly shaved head. While watching iam free from tension curious about the shaving as soon as the girl got up tension started as the barber asked me to open my hair and wet. I removed flowers and gave to my hubby and he stood near me and I wet my hair. I sit before bending my head she rubbed my head by poring some water and prepared two knots. Then I asked for three cuts of hair to drop in hundi as I have ove. She gave me three cuts of hair. Then I got confused weather to shave or not. And finally decided to get up with out shaving.

      As I am thinking the barber started first stroke on my crown head. I felt some thing strange with the first stroke. Then I under stood that I should get shaved completely. Tears came out. as the razor moving on my head my hair hanging over knot. After 3 minutes one knot fell on my lap. Tears automatically stopped. And in another 3 minutes second fell. Now I am bald. My hubby asked the barber to shave once again, but I refused and got up and feel so much shy and ran to my hubby covered my head with chunny.slowly my hubby take off the chunni and watched my bald head for un cut hair and he somoothly rubbed my head. Then I felt happy but very shy. We went back to room for bath. As there is little uncut hair on my neck my hubby want to shave it. In the room he once again. I sat down before him bending my gundu he started shaving once again the total head and reverse shaving once again for half an hour. Then I touched my gundu first time it was very smooth and watched in the mirror it was nice bald head. My hubby asked me to shave his head also smooth. After his shave we both got bath and wear traditional dresses and got chandan paste on our gundus and namas on our four heads went for darshan. It was a good experience. After return back we shaved our heads 3 times at home. Now I like smooth gundu very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats nice, you should keep your head shaved as your hubby also likes it.