Saturday, 4 June 2011

Tonsure With a Surprise--------Pragna

      Every one in my house very happy on the day when I got my results. I got 95% in my +2 and also good rank in eamcet. I'm also on cloud nine as because I get what I dreamt of from the past 2 years. The marks and the rank are the efforts of me since 2 years. 

Oh !!!!! Sorry sorry........Without saying about me I'm saying all about my happiness na..

      So I'm Pragna from Andhra Pradesh. As I have already mentioned that I got my results out and all my family members are very happy. My sister is also very happy because she also got 96% in her 10th class and she stood as the school topper. Ours is a happy family. So after getting our results at that night suddenly I slept at 9pm with the joyful mood. But suddenly in the middle of the night I got woke up because of a dream that I was standing in a line holding a small token and half blade in my hand. And then I got remember about my vow which I was taken when I went to tirupathi last time. When I completed my 10th class I went to tirupathi along with our famliy members and at that time only I made a vow that if I get good marks and good rank in eamcet I will offer my hip length hair to Lord Venkateswara.

     Then that morning I told my mom about vow that I have taken. And she said "Pragna thats a good thing baby. Anyway Daddy also made a plan to visit tirupati by this weekend.I only want to speak with both of you about our trip."

"Oh really mom.Thats a great news. Then when is our journey??" I asked.

      My mom said She has to talk with my dad and then she would say. My sister swarna doesn't know anything about the discussion happened between me and my mom. And as they are holidays she got up late so she was unaware of this discussion. In the evening while we are all at dinner my dad said about the weekend's trip. Swarna with a little surprise asked " Dad where are we going this weekend".

Dad replied "Is your mom or sister didn't say anything about our trip to tiruapthi??"

She said "No dad".

She asked both of us "Why didnt u inform me about our trip mom??"

My mom replied "In the morning we discussed and you are asleep chinni(my sister's nickname in home) at that time."

Swarna said "Ok dad So did u book the tickets??"

Dad Sai yes chinni all the things are done. And just we need to start??

Meanwhile my dad didnt know about the vow I made and mymom said about the vow to dad. Dad asked me "Pinky(My nickname) Do you wanna go for a bald head??"

I replied "Yes dad. And I said about my vow to dad". Swarna looked at me with a puzzled look. And she asked me "Are you really going to loose ur hip length hair akka??"

My mom said " Yes chinni. We have to make our vows to be done as Lord has made our wishes fulfilled. So we have to done it ma."

      She just stared at my mom and she continued to eat. My mom asked my dad about the whole family tonsure to be done this year. She said that she was waiting for our family tonsure as she made a vow that if both her daughters het good marks all the family will get tonsure. By this time swarna stopped eating and just she yelled "I dont want to do headshave" (Nenu Gundu geekinchukonu).

My mom said "hey chinni we dont have to say like that. That's for you only na. So this is the last time and please get your headshave."

But she argued with my mom and atlast dad interfered and stopped the discussion.

He said "Prameela (My mom name), Leave her for this time. She doesn't want to do na. So why r u forcing chinni to do a headshave??"

By this time Swarna ran into the bedroom with tears running down the face. 

My mom just glared at her and she just left that place and went into their bedroom. 

      Then next day morning chinni talk with mom and mom just said "As you wish ra kanna". Swarna was on cloud nine and she kept on teasing me that "Gundu......Gundu.....Gundu". As she was my only sweet sister I never get angry with her silly doings. I like her a lot. 

     Atlast the journey day come and all our family members left to the tiruapthi for our tonsure. We took a car and started on friday night and in the early morning by 6 am we reached the foot hills of tirumala tirupathi. As my mom want to climb the hills by walk. Dad asked the car driver to go to the hill top and just asked him to take some rest as all the night he was driving the car. We started climbing the footsteps after having some fresh up in the hall which is there for the pilgrims who go by walk to the tirumala. We started by 7am in the early morning and slowly we reached there by 12 in the noon time. 

      As dad made all the arrangements for our family to stay. We collected our room and just went and had our lunch in the nearby hotel. And we took a small nap in the afternoon and i just got wake up at 4pm in the evening. I saw myself in the mirror and so many things ran through my mind. I just thought myself without having my big asset on me. I felt very bad as a bald look on me. Till then I never thought of anything about hair or headshave or anything. But now so many things through my mind like How i'll be in bald head and how i have to face the people around me with my new look and how many years it will take for me for again this much of hair growth. I pitied my long thick black curly hair which made me special in my school and in my +2 also. Every one praised my long hair and loved it a lot. Even some of my friends played with my curly hair. But I'm not going have my such a beautiful hair from tomorow onwards. 

My mom also woke up and just asked me "What are you doing??""

I replied nothing mom just combing my hair. She then said "Ok go and have your head bath and then comb your hair for the last time.

      I asked mom when we r going to get our heads done. She said in an hour we are going to have our family tonsure. I surprised by the word family tonsure and I thought by mistake she spoke like that and I did head bath for the last time and combed it for 1/2 hour and my mom also did her head bath by the time and she didn't ask chinni to do head bath. She woke up dad and asked him to get ready for the tonsure. All of us have taken head bath except my sweet sister Swarna. 

      We went to the nearby mini kalyanakatta and mom said to all of us wait there and she stand in the line for the tonsure tokens. My mom returned with the tokens and half blades in her hand. She handed the dad's token to dad and she kept the remaining tokens with us only. We entered into the tonsuringhall where there are nearly 10 members who are busy in shaving the heads of the devotees. At first I was shocked to see the people who are having their heads tonsured and also so many people are waiting for their turns. We are assigned to the same barber as mom asked the person to allocate to the same barber. First my mom asked me to stood in the line where already 2 to 3 people are waiting for their turns. I was slowly watching the procedure how the barber was doing. I was really surprised to do the fast of barber shaving the heads. 

      Within minutes all the hair of all the people are laying down as deadless and making them a different look with no hair on their heads. I saw so many ladies and girls having their heads shearing by the barber. I felt a little bit relaxed by the sight of the people there and all my thoughts have gone through my mind. Atlast after waiting for 10 to 15 mins our turn came. My mom asked my sister to sit infront of the barber. She asked "Me for what mom??"

     My mom said for giving 3 cuts. She happily said Ok as she was not going to loose much of her hair. So she slowly removed the clip which she kept for the loosed hair. And my mom asked her to get her hair wet by the water that is in the bucket. She was surprised with that and asked mom "I'm not going to get headshave na..then why the hair should get wet?? "

Mom said "Chinni as you didnt took head bath we didnt have to give the hair without having head bath. So we need to wash our hair atleast with the hair so do what ever i said ok na??"

      She happily said Ok mom and asked me to pour water on her head. Meanwhile my mom gave the tokens to the barber. I saw three tokens and three blades in my moms hand while she was giving to the barber. And I didn't understand what was happening there and just I'm like a judge in the court. 
Chinni happily sit infront of the barber and the barber asked her to bend her head. He slowly placed her hand and placed the razor on her middle part and slowly scraped it.

Swarna was little surprised and she stopped the barber. And shouted at mom what is happeneing??

My mom slowly said " You are going to get headshave chinni so please go for it?"

      Chinni wanted to argue with mom but as there is no use of talking with as already the lost is happened because of the first pass made by the barber. She cried and without speaking a word she sat infront of the barber. She has waist length hair and she was very much proud of her hair. But from today she is not going to feel her long hair on her head. I was really surprised to see this. 

My mom came to me and said "As this is a vow we need to do it or it wont be good for our family members. That's why I was behaving like this. Dont think that your mom as a villion or something pinky."

I said "I can understand you mom".

     The barber slowly making passes on my sisters head and the white bald patches are made on her head and the long hair is slowly falling into her lap and lots of tears flowing from her eyes. Within minutes my sisters head was shaved and she got up and she left to the dad where he is getting his headshaved.

      Then my mom turn came and she loosened her below shoulder length braid and she wetted her hair with the water in the bucket. She sat infornt of the barber as a small child. Barber poured a mug of water on her head and massaged for 2 mins and made two knots and take the razor and changed the blade with which chinni was get shaved. He took the new blade which was given by mom before and inserted into it. And the mission was started by the barber on my mom's hair. He first made the pass towards front and slowly she shaved to the front of moms head. But she made first pass to chinni towards back. He slowly making passes and my moms hair was slowly reducing on the head and some of the hair strands are lying towardsthe sides of her head. 

Within 2 mins the two knots where on the ground in the middle of my mom and the barber. She got up and I cant recognized with the bald head and the bald head doesn't suits her.

      At last the swinging braid of mine is going to be shorned like a sheep by the barber. I took of my favorite hair clip as there is of use for me after 10 mins.I looked at the hair clip and I put my long and thick hair towards front and looked at it for the last time before tonsure. My mom asked me to pour some water and get my thick hair get wet. She helped me and went near to chinni to convince her. I was there infront of barber with my thick mane fully left to him. He asked me to bend my head down. As he was of 40 years age he asked me "Did your sister don't like headshave??""

I said "Yes she don't like to get her headshave and my mom without even knowing any of our family members get her headshave done. She felt very bad for that and she likes her hair very much."

With that barber thought for a moment and asked me whether you are willing for your tonsure or you also dont like to do it??

I smiled at him and said "I made a vow if I get good marks and good rank I will do hair offering to the Lord."

      Barber gave me a smile and he changed the blade in this time. And he asked me to bend my head and he reached the bucket and mug full of water and poured on my already wet hair. He made massage for nearly 5 mins as mine is thick mane. He also said that my hair is of very good and in a very healthy condition. And rarely people will like to loose this hair and you are really great to do this thing. I simply gave a smile. 

      Then the longly awaited moment of my life that's loosing my thick mane which was there for nearly 10 years with me. But I cant do anything now what I can do is to pray for th God. Barber made two knots as he did for my mom and placed the razor in the middle of my head and made the first pass on my lovely hair. A thrilling and vibrating sensation passed throughout my body with the first pass of the razor. Really I love that moment a lot. Without waiting the barber is making passes on my head. But after the first pass a cool breeze that passed on my bald spot which was made by the razor. It felt so thrilled for me of the air pass. I'm really enjoying each and every moment of my headshave. After 2 mins the back of my head is completely done and cool breeze is passing on it.

      Then he raised my head a little bit and started shaving on the left side of my head. The barber is very good with his work and not even a single scratch made on my head till then. And after the completion of my left side a large tuft of my thick, lovely, curly and lovely hair was on the ground like a dead snake. And after looking at that without my knowing tears flown out of my eyes. Then barber stopped by looking at it and asked what happened??

I said "Nothing nothing. You carry on with your work."

      He replied "Its just for God So need not worry. It will grow back dear." I consoled myself and I again went to my dream land where i was enjoying wach and every pass of the razor on the head.And after 7 mins of continuous effort from the barber my thick mane is lying on the floor. I just touched it for the last time and a lady came and collected all the lovely locks of our family and she just dropped in the Hair Hundi which was placed there..

       I got up and meanwhile my mom and dad consoled chinni and all three of them were waiting for my headshave done. And my mom paid the barber and we just moved out of that place to the room. After coming out from the kalyanakatta I touched my bald head for the first time. Its like an experience which we can't say in words. I was keep on touching till we went to the room. My sweet sister chinni also liked her bald head and she was even so cute with her bald head. We all took bath and went to sleep. While I was bathing I kept touching my smooth head for 10 mins and I saw myself in the mirror. I was astonished to look myself in bald head. It was the one of the best memorable experience that I couldn't forgot through out my lifetime. So dad booked tickets for darshan in the early morning next day. So we took rest that night and in the early morning we went for darshan as a bald family as my mom wished.

Hope you all enjoy it.

If you have any comments please send it to


vijayram said...

Pragna your story is simply super your mother is right if we wow god we should fullfill our wow

vijayram said...

what is the reaction of your friends and neighbours after returning home

Anonymous said...

I want to doing my headshahave but I m shying. What the people saying