Thursday, 2 June 2011

Dandruff Headshaveof Sunitha

      My name is Sunitha and iam 14yrs old living with my parents. Since I had not taken care of my hair I got in to the trouble of having dandruff problem where my hair growth has stopped drastically and started giving an ugly look. My mother has tried many shampoos, oils even medicine’s to get ride of this problem. But nothing has given me a long turn solution. One of my mother’s friend has suggested to go for a total head shave which will help you to get rid of this problem. Initially my mother was hesitating to go for this solution but then she also has realized to go with that.

      One Sunday my mother told me to get ready for the head shave as she already called the local barber home to shave my head. Once the barber has arrived home my mother took me to the bath room and told me to remove my skirt & shirt and told me to sit in the wooden plank on the floor wearing only my petticoat. While removing my dress she has noticed some hair growth in my armpits. Since the barber is a old man I was not feeling shy to sit for the head shave wearing only my petticoat. By the mean time the old barber has taken his straight razor from his bag and started putting a half blade in to it. Then the barber told me to sit in the wooden plank cross legged so as to have a good reach on my head. Then he started massaging my head with the water for some time and once my head was totally wet he put my head down. I was quite excited about the shaving and then he was holding my head with his left hand started shaving from the top of head towards my nape with his right hand. He made a short stroke with every shaving to make sure the hair is totally shaved. Within 5 minutes my head is totally bald and he rubbed his hand to make sure every thing is shaved. Then he took a shaving tube & shaving brush from his bag and started putting the shaving gel on the head. Then he made the shaving brush wet and put some water on my head. With the shaving brush he started make the foam on my head and started spreading all over my head. Now my head is totally covered with the shaving and then he put a new half in the razor and started shaving allover my head. This time he did it fast and within 2 minutes my head started shinning like a cube ball. My mother put her hand on my head and did a final inspection.

      Once my mother was satisfied with his work she told the barber to shave my armpit also. Without any hesitation he told me to raise my right hand and started shaving my armpit without any water from the top. Once it is done he did the same thing running the razor in reverse direction to make it smoother. The same treatment is done on my left hand underarms also. After that I stood up and making a move to take bath. Immediately my mother sat on the wooden plank and started removing her blouse wearing only bra. Both barber and I were confused. Then she requested the old barber to shave her armpit as the growth is very thick. Even though the barber is old man he was quite excited to shave a lady armpit. Without any hesitation he accepted for the same and told her to raise her right arm. Since my mothers armpit hair growth is very thick he massaged the armpit with water for 30 secs with that I saw my mother was flying high. Then he applied the shaving gel and started making the foam by running the shaving brush all over her armpit. Now her armpit is totally covered with shaving foam. Then he took the razor and started shaving it from top to bottom with short strokes. Once everything is shaved he again applied a load of shaving cream and started shaving it from bottom to top leaving her armpit shining. The same is done on the left hand under arms also. Finally with his fingers he started examining both of her armpits by rubbing his fingers all over her armpit and intentially he rubbed on the side of her breast also (which ever part is not covered by her bra).Even my mother also didn’t mind about that as she had a great shaving experience .The old barber left happily with a good money for a head & both of our armpit shaving.

      Once the barber has left home my mother gave me a safety razor to shave my pussy and she told as your body hair started growing,atleast every 10 days you should shave your pussy & armpit and keep it always clean through your life from the hygienic point of view. From that day onwards till date I keep my pussy & armpit clean shaved every week and we both became good friends. With that head shave my dandruff problems have come down.

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