Thursday, 2 June 2011

Devotional Headshave of Ganga

      Hi iam Ganga from India and this is a true story which has happened recently in my life. Mine is a love cum arranged marriage. Myself and my husband made a owe to shave our heads once our marriage goes without any problem in Titupathi(a place where head shave is common, famous & powerful owe made by people all around the world).As anticipated our marriage went fine without any problem and we both decided to go to Tirupathi for one weekend to shave our head.

       As planned one Saturday morning we reached tirupathi and taken a cottage. I have told my husband to get a female barber to the cottage to shave our heads as there will more crowd in the shaving hall. Within half an hour my husband got a mid aged female barber to the cottage. I told my husband to get his head shave first as I got to unpack the stuff from the bags. The female barber told my husband to remove the shirt and told him to sit cross legged in one corner of the room where she has spread the newspaper and told me to get some water in a bowl. She also sat cross legged opposite to my husband and started wetting my husbands head with the water and massaged for some time to make sure the total head is wet for the shave. Then she took the straight razor from her pouch and inserted a half blade and swiped 4 or 5 times in her palm. Then he told to bend his head to have good reach to shave and she started running the razor all over his head like combing some ones hair. Since his head is wet she has not struggled to shave his head and within 2 minutes my husband head is totally hairless. Then again she put some water and started shaving his head leaving it shining. Then she shaved his moustache & bearded without any shaving cream. 

      Once she is done with my husband she asked me to get ready for the shave. I unbraided my hair and I sat cross-legged wearing my saree. She suggested me to remove my saree and told me sit wearing only my bra & panties as it will spoil my dress. As she is also a lady I really didn’t mind sitting wearing only bra & panties for the shave. 

We both had a great shaving experience as she had done a good job we paid her more than agreed and had a good darshan.


Anonymous said...

it's really possible to get a female barber to room/cottage for tonsure their (husband and wife) head in tirupati if yes where we get and how much they paid?

Anonymous said...

hi am 25 years old boy can i get my head shave by female barber in tirupati or any other places?