Saturday, 4 June 2011

Dont know how it happened---------but Gundu at last

Everyone starts their story from some point of time…

       My story started with the decision we hav taken about our tirupathi trip.Before going to strat my story I’ll introduce  myself..I’m Deeksha resident of Vijayawada completed my in this year and also got placed in one of the MNCs..I felt very happy at that moment and all my friends want to go to tirupathi..So we all planned to go to that place in the month of june bcoz all were got placed in a company right then. As per the schedule we took the permission from our parents and all of us started to tirupathi….

       Oh till now I haven’t introduced my friends na…The people who have joined to tirupathi with  me are Rani, Priyanka, Seetha and Rajini. All of us have good length of hair. Almost all of us have hair below waist. We hav started our journey on june 9. We have plannd our journey in a train and so we have booked thetickets in advance. As the train started we met a girl named prathyusha who was of our age and she is also going to tirupathi but alone itself.She also completed graduation from a reputed college in Guntur.

       Slowly she became a good friend of mine and we both chatted for long hours and I didn’t remember when I have slept and in the morning we reached the foot hills of tirumala. As Prathyusha have didn’t plan so he didn’t book any room in advance so she came along with us and stayed with us itself. Later we make ourselves fresh up and took rest and we decided to take the darshan on next day…At night I and prathyu we went for a walk after our dinner and my friends have slept..

Meanwhile while we were talking she asked me a question.

Whether I was giving hair to the god. I said “Yes I’m going to give 3 cuts”

She said “I’m not asking abt three cuts deeksha…I’m asking about the full hair…”

Then I asked “R u talking abt a headshave?”.

She said yes I’m talking abtit only..

I said no one of us are going to shave our head.Why r u asking me like tha?”

Then she startled me with a smile on her face that she is going to hav her headshaved.

I couldn’t say a word for a moment and I came to the real world and asked why?

She said As I have got job and my life is almost settled so I hav a vow to be fulfilled which was taken by my mom after my 10th class about my future.

      Hey sorry till now I didn’t say about prathyu na…..She is fair and slim of height 5.4 inches and have a long auburn hair with the curls at the end..She usually hav end trims in a parlour and never have a long cut b4…..But 2morow she is going to shave her head which is a drastic change frm hair to bald..

       I asked when she is going to have her headshave..She said tomorrow….and aferthat we went back to our room and fell asleep..In the morning at 5o’clock I heard some sound from the bathroom and I didn’t took it into consideration and just continued with my sleep and suddenly after half an hour I remembered the words of prathyu and woke up suddenly looked at her bed…She is not there..I went outside to look after her but she is nowhere else..After a few min some person entered into our room with a bald head…I was astonished at that moment because I cant recognize Prathyu in her new look…My friends all gazed at her newly shaven head….She is very very sexy in the new look and I asked her how she feels with the bald head..

       She said “ She is now very much comfortable with the new look and also she felt that a load has been removed from her head. I cant take off my hands frm her head…It’s simply superb and I asked her personally how she felt at the time of headshave…She said that she felt some sensation which we can’t explain any everyone have to get experienced to that…Form then in my mind I hav a thought of shaving my head but I didn’t have the courage to tak it…

       In the evening we all went for darshan and returned to our room in the night time..As I felt a very different  thought how I will be without hair and I went into the bathroom and took a towel and wrapped around my head by covering my hair…I felt I’m very different at the look…So I decided to shave my head tomorrow morning..So I have made a plan that I asked my friends abt my headshave..They all said ok but they wont join along with me so I called to my mother and said that My friend seetha is going to have her headsahve and so I too want to do it…Then imediatey my mom said ok it’s upto u baby….

      Then my mom called to seetha’s mom and said abt our headshave…Seetha’s mom called seetha and asked abt her head shave and she said no…then aunt said that deeksha is going to have gundu along with you So you also do it as I have a vow to be fulfilled by you from ur childhood…She argued and atlast she got convinced for that….

      We both along with ur friends entered into the mini kalyanakatta in the morning…there are less no. of people at that time and so we hav taken two tokens for gundu and entered into the hall and stand in a small queue infornt of a barber….My friend entered and removed her long hip length hair and poured water on it….then barber asked whether for 3 cuts or headshave she simply handled the token and sit infornt of her…Then barber was astonished at the length of the hair and asked her whether to shave loose hair or with knots…She said loose hair itself…

TO Be Continued.......Please say whether to continue or just stop it now itself.... Waiting for your reply.......

Tonsure With a Surprise--------Pragna

      Every one in my house very happy on the day when I got my results. I got 95% in my +2 and also good rank in eamcet. I'm also on cloud nine as because I get what I dreamt of from the past 2 years. The marks and the rank are the efforts of me since 2 years. 

Oh !!!!! Sorry sorry........Without saying about me I'm saying all about my happiness na..

      So I'm Pragna from Andhra Pradesh. As I have already mentioned that I got my results out and all my family members are very happy. My sister is also very happy because she also got 96% in her 10th class and she stood as the school topper. Ours is a happy family. So after getting our results at that night suddenly I slept at 9pm with the joyful mood. But suddenly in the middle of the night I got woke up because of a dream that I was standing in a line holding a small token and half blade in my hand. And then I got remember about my vow which I was taken when I went to tirupathi last time. When I completed my 10th class I went to tirupathi along with our famliy members and at that time only I made a vow that if I get good marks and good rank in eamcet I will offer my hip length hair to Lord Venkateswara.

     Then that morning I told my mom about vow that I have taken. And she said "Pragna thats a good thing baby. Anyway Daddy also made a plan to visit tirupati by this weekend.I only want to speak with both of you about our trip."

"Oh really mom.Thats a great news. Then when is our journey??" I asked.

      My mom said She has to talk with my dad and then she would say. My sister swarna doesn't know anything about the discussion happened between me and my mom. And as they are holidays she got up late so she was unaware of this discussion. In the evening while we are all at dinner my dad said about the weekend's trip. Swarna with a little surprise asked " Dad where are we going this weekend".

Dad replied "Is your mom or sister didn't say anything about our trip to tiruapthi??"

She said "No dad".

She asked both of us "Why didnt u inform me about our trip mom??"

My mom replied "In the morning we discussed and you are asleep chinni(my sister's nickname in home) at that time."

Swarna said "Ok dad So did u book the tickets??"

Dad Sai yes chinni all the things are done. And just we need to start??

Meanwhile my dad didnt know about the vow I made and mymom said about the vow to dad. Dad asked me "Pinky(My nickname) Do you wanna go for a bald head??"

I replied "Yes dad. And I said about my vow to dad". Swarna looked at me with a puzzled look. And she asked me "Are you really going to loose ur hip length hair akka??"

My mom said " Yes chinni. We have to make our vows to be done as Lord has made our wishes fulfilled. So we have to done it ma."

      She just stared at my mom and she continued to eat. My mom asked my dad about the whole family tonsure to be done this year. She said that she was waiting for our family tonsure as she made a vow that if both her daughters het good marks all the family will get tonsure. By this time swarna stopped eating and just she yelled "I dont want to do headshave" (Nenu Gundu geekinchukonu).

My mom said "hey chinni we dont have to say like that. That's for you only na. So this is the last time and please get your headshave."

But she argued with my mom and atlast dad interfered and stopped the discussion.

He said "Prameela (My mom name), Leave her for this time. She doesn't want to do na. So why r u forcing chinni to do a headshave??"

By this time Swarna ran into the bedroom with tears running down the face. 

My mom just glared at her and she just left that place and went into their bedroom. 

      Then next day morning chinni talk with mom and mom just said "As you wish ra kanna". Swarna was on cloud nine and she kept on teasing me that "Gundu......Gundu.....Gundu". As she was my only sweet sister I never get angry with her silly doings. I like her a lot. 

     Atlast the journey day come and all our family members left to the tiruapthi for our tonsure. We took a car and started on friday night and in the early morning by 6 am we reached the foot hills of tirumala tirupathi. As my mom want to climb the hills by walk. Dad asked the car driver to go to the hill top and just asked him to take some rest as all the night he was driving the car. We started climbing the footsteps after having some fresh up in the hall which is there for the pilgrims who go by walk to the tirumala. We started by 7am in the early morning and slowly we reached there by 12 in the noon time. 

      As dad made all the arrangements for our family to stay. We collected our room and just went and had our lunch in the nearby hotel. And we took a small nap in the afternoon and i just got wake up at 4pm in the evening. I saw myself in the mirror and so many things ran through my mind. I just thought myself without having my big asset on me. I felt very bad as a bald look on me. Till then I never thought of anything about hair or headshave or anything. But now so many things through my mind like How i'll be in bald head and how i have to face the people around me with my new look and how many years it will take for me for again this much of hair growth. I pitied my long thick black curly hair which made me special in my school and in my +2 also. Every one praised my long hair and loved it a lot. Even some of my friends played with my curly hair. But I'm not going have my such a beautiful hair from tomorow onwards. 

My mom also woke up and just asked me "What are you doing??""

I replied nothing mom just combing my hair. She then said "Ok go and have your head bath and then comb your hair for the last time.

      I asked mom when we r going to get our heads done. She said in an hour we are going to have our family tonsure. I surprised by the word family tonsure and I thought by mistake she spoke like that and I did head bath for the last time and combed it for 1/2 hour and my mom also did her head bath by the time and she didn't ask chinni to do head bath. She woke up dad and asked him to get ready for the tonsure. All of us have taken head bath except my sweet sister Swarna. 

      We went to the nearby mini kalyanakatta and mom said to all of us wait there and she stand in the line for the tonsure tokens. My mom returned with the tokens and half blades in her hand. She handed the dad's token to dad and she kept the remaining tokens with us only. We entered into the tonsuringhall where there are nearly 10 members who are busy in shaving the heads of the devotees. At first I was shocked to see the people who are having their heads tonsured and also so many people are waiting for their turns. We are assigned to the same barber as mom asked the person to allocate to the same barber. First my mom asked me to stood in the line where already 2 to 3 people are waiting for their turns. I was slowly watching the procedure how the barber was doing. I was really surprised to do the fast of barber shaving the heads. 

      Within minutes all the hair of all the people are laying down as deadless and making them a different look with no hair on their heads. I saw so many ladies and girls having their heads shearing by the barber. I felt a little bit relaxed by the sight of the people there and all my thoughts have gone through my mind. Atlast after waiting for 10 to 15 mins our turn came. My mom asked my sister to sit infront of the barber. She asked "Me for what mom??"

     My mom said for giving 3 cuts. She happily said Ok as she was not going to loose much of her hair. So she slowly removed the clip which she kept for the loosed hair. And my mom asked her to get her hair wet by the water that is in the bucket. She was surprised with that and asked mom "I'm not going to get headshave na..then why the hair should get wet?? "

Mom said "Chinni as you didnt took head bath we didnt have to give the hair without having head bath. So we need to wash our hair atleast with the hair so do what ever i said ok na??"

      She happily said Ok mom and asked me to pour water on her head. Meanwhile my mom gave the tokens to the barber. I saw three tokens and three blades in my moms hand while she was giving to the barber. And I didn't understand what was happening there and just I'm like a judge in the court. 
Chinni happily sit infront of the barber and the barber asked her to bend her head. He slowly placed her hand and placed the razor on her middle part and slowly scraped it.

Swarna was little surprised and she stopped the barber. And shouted at mom what is happeneing??

My mom slowly said " You are going to get headshave chinni so please go for it?"

      Chinni wanted to argue with mom but as there is no use of talking with as already the lost is happened because of the first pass made by the barber. She cried and without speaking a word she sat infront of the barber. She has waist length hair and she was very much proud of her hair. But from today she is not going to feel her long hair on her head. I was really surprised to see this. 

My mom came to me and said "As this is a vow we need to do it or it wont be good for our family members. That's why I was behaving like this. Dont think that your mom as a villion or something pinky."

I said "I can understand you mom".

     The barber slowly making passes on my sisters head and the white bald patches are made on her head and the long hair is slowly falling into her lap and lots of tears flowing from her eyes. Within minutes my sisters head was shaved and she got up and she left to the dad where he is getting his headshaved.

      Then my mom turn came and she loosened her below shoulder length braid and she wetted her hair with the water in the bucket. She sat infornt of the barber as a small child. Barber poured a mug of water on her head and massaged for 2 mins and made two knots and take the razor and changed the blade with which chinni was get shaved. He took the new blade which was given by mom before and inserted into it. And the mission was started by the barber on my mom's hair. He first made the pass towards front and slowly she shaved to the front of moms head. But she made first pass to chinni towards back. He slowly making passes and my moms hair was slowly reducing on the head and some of the hair strands are lying towardsthe sides of her head. 

Within 2 mins the two knots where on the ground in the middle of my mom and the barber. She got up and I cant recognized with the bald head and the bald head doesn't suits her.

      At last the swinging braid of mine is going to be shorned like a sheep by the barber. I took of my favorite hair clip as there is of use for me after 10 mins.I looked at the hair clip and I put my long and thick hair towards front and looked at it for the last time before tonsure. My mom asked me to pour some water and get my thick hair get wet. She helped me and went near to chinni to convince her. I was there infront of barber with my thick mane fully left to him. He asked me to bend my head down. As he was of 40 years age he asked me "Did your sister don't like headshave??""

I said "Yes she don't like to get her headshave and my mom without even knowing any of our family members get her headshave done. She felt very bad for that and she likes her hair very much."

With that barber thought for a moment and asked me whether you are willing for your tonsure or you also dont like to do it??

I smiled at him and said "I made a vow if I get good marks and good rank I will do hair offering to the Lord."

      Barber gave me a smile and he changed the blade in this time. And he asked me to bend my head and he reached the bucket and mug full of water and poured on my already wet hair. He made massage for nearly 5 mins as mine is thick mane. He also said that my hair is of very good and in a very healthy condition. And rarely people will like to loose this hair and you are really great to do this thing. I simply gave a smile. 

      Then the longly awaited moment of my life that's loosing my thick mane which was there for nearly 10 years with me. But I cant do anything now what I can do is to pray for th God. Barber made two knots as he did for my mom and placed the razor in the middle of my head and made the first pass on my lovely hair. A thrilling and vibrating sensation passed throughout my body with the first pass of the razor. Really I love that moment a lot. Without waiting the barber is making passes on my head. But after the first pass a cool breeze that passed on my bald spot which was made by the razor. It felt so thrilled for me of the air pass. I'm really enjoying each and every moment of my headshave. After 2 mins the back of my head is completely done and cool breeze is passing on it.

      Then he raised my head a little bit and started shaving on the left side of my head. The barber is very good with his work and not even a single scratch made on my head till then. And after the completion of my left side a large tuft of my thick, lovely, curly and lovely hair was on the ground like a dead snake. And after looking at that without my knowing tears flown out of my eyes. Then barber stopped by looking at it and asked what happened??

I said "Nothing nothing. You carry on with your work."

      He replied "Its just for God So need not worry. It will grow back dear." I consoled myself and I again went to my dream land where i was enjoying wach and every pass of the razor on the head.And after 7 mins of continuous effort from the barber my thick mane is lying on the floor. I just touched it for the last time and a lady came and collected all the lovely locks of our family and she just dropped in the Hair Hundi which was placed there..

       I got up and meanwhile my mom and dad consoled chinni and all three of them were waiting for my headshave done. And my mom paid the barber and we just moved out of that place to the room. After coming out from the kalyanakatta I touched my bald head for the first time. Its like an experience which we can't say in words. I was keep on touching till we went to the room. My sweet sister chinni also liked her bald head and she was even so cute with her bald head. We all took bath and went to sleep. While I was bathing I kept touching my smooth head for 10 mins and I saw myself in the mirror. I was astonished to look myself in bald head. It was the one of the best memorable experience that I couldn't forgot through out my lifetime. So dad booked tickets for darshan in the early morning next day. So we took rest that night and in the early morning we went for darshan as a bald family as my mom wished.

Hope you all enjoy it.

If you have any comments please send it to

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Cartoon Haircutting Pic

Haircutting Pic of the Week

Tonsure of 3 girls

                    The day,when three tonsure took place for three young womens.they all had waist length hair which was cut due to some double crossing .

                    Hi,my name is priya.i am 21yr old married women living in chennai.i had thick black well maintained and trimmed hair which was touching my waist.i used to wash my hair thrice in a week and get a trim regularly so that it look even at my waist.i was working in a bank .my husband was working for a security industry in bangalore which was far from he usually comes home at the weekends.he has also put a secret camera in every room because no one will be home during the day times and to catch the burglers if any theft took place .my self and my husband alone only know about this security. he loved my long hair and he will play with it putting ponytails,knots etc for i only live the home during the weekdays.i told this to my mother and she said that make some plans for i .i had a younger sister named ramya ,she had written her higher secondary examinations and was waiting for her results.

                     It was one saturday when myself and my husband were at home doing some work. suddenly a phone call came and i attended the call .it was my mom. she said that ramya wanted to visit chennai and she wanted to enjoy the holidays their it seems.i replied mom that i will go for work in the morning and returned only in the evening and she will be alone in the said that ramya will go out during that time with some of her classmates living in chennai.then priya told that if ramya was interested she can come her and stay for a said that she will come home with ramya and leave her there. priya agreed to that and she hanged up her phone.priya told her husband familly was  going to visit our home tommorow and ramya would stay in our home for a week.

                    It was sunday morning ,at 10.00AM priya parents arrive there in their car and ramya also came.priya was amazed to see ramya and ramya was also amazed to priya .they both hugged each other.priya saw that ramya hair has grown longer and it was beautiful and blackish and also saw another girl coming out from car .priya asked who is she . mom replied that her name is divya . her parents died a few years back .she has no one to look after her and no place to go.she was living with us after ur marriage doing the house works.i brought her here to do your house work and look after the house when u have gone for work.she was having long hair which was below her waist and she plaitted into a singe ponytail.priya was not too happy with her by her looks and she invited her into the home. then divya went into the home and started to do the houseworks.the day went by and all had their lunch and priya's parent  left their home in the evening and priya's husband also left for his job tommorow.finally priya,ramya and divya were at home .divya was given a blanket and a pillow and she was asked to sleep in the hall.the night went by and all had a good slumber that night.

                   Ramya had gone to tirupathi recently and she watched real time women having waist length hair just shered with a straight razor in just few minutes and she became interested in it and she wanted to witness it again and she became a hair enthusiast from that time .though she had waist length blackish her she dont want to cut it because she thought it may destroy her beauty and thought of doing it for the others around her .this was running through her mind and she became very hair was monday evening,that time her sister priya entered her room and she came back from work.she went into the bathroom and had shower. after shower she was drying her hair with the dryer. ramya got more crazy and wanted to shave her sister's hair .she saw that priya's hair was just below her waist and she had trimmed and maintained it well. though ramya thought that priya is her sister she never minded it and wanted to shave her sisters head. she just was waiting  for the right moment to come .at that night at dinner,she had seen divya also had long hair tied into a single ponytail hanging to her waist.she thought that she should also be shaved . and she was putting a master plan for having the two womens head shaved within a week as she may return to her native within a week.

                 It was tuesday morning ,and priya called to her boss and said that she will not come for work today .the boss asked for the reason . she replied that she has to attend a party that evening where her friend is geting married .priya boss told her that she could take leave today and come tommorow for work.she also asked to ramya to get ready for the party this evening.priya asked her to wear her costly saree which she had bought some weeks before.the saree was so costly that she preserved it very very carefully.she took that saree and found out some wrinkles in the saree and she called up divya,house servant and told her to iron it well and told her to be extra careful with the saree as it was costy and she also said that she will get mad and do whatever she want if something happened to the saree.divya noded her head and went to iron the saree.this was heared by ramya and she thought that this was the right moment for shaving one of the women.priya was taking bath.divya started ironing the saree and ramya saw this.ramya went into the kitchen and and put the gas stove on which divya switched off as she was doing the ironing.and she came out of kitchen. and after some time she yelled at divya that some thing is burning in the kitchen.divya kept he iron box aside and ran into the kitchen to see what was that time ramya took the iron box and placed it over the saree which was folded into four pieces.and she went inside the room waiting to see what is going to happen.then came priya from the shower and she witnessed the iron box placed over the saree.she removed the iron box and saw the ironingtable through the big hole which was as the shape of the iron box.she started crying as it was the costliest saree and it was bought by her husband as a present.divya took care of the things in the kitchen and returned for ironing the saree.she was stunned to see what was was happening .the first word that divya utered seeing it was"i didnot do it".priya was speech ramya came and saw her crying sister and she caught her shoulder and moved her to her bedroom and ramya locked the bedroom door.divya was looking very amazed at the things which had happened and she noticed that something was instore for her may be a punishment.she was waiting at the hall to witness what was going to happen to her after they come out the room.

                        In the room had a conversation about a punishment .priya was crying.ramya told that we have to give a punishment for her so that this type of thing would not be repeated.priya was speechless and she got angry and said yes to ramya. she asked what punishment would she give to her.ramya at this moment got happy and said that she was a young girl at this age the best punishment which could be given is a headshave and she also had long hair.priya felt sorry for divya and thinking of the saree she noded saying that we willl shave her head.priya asked that she would not agree to cut her hair.ramya told thatwe can tie her upand give the punishment.priya agreed with ramya and both convinced each other of tieing up her first in the chair.

                      Priya and ramya came out of the room and they were having an angry look.divya was very afraid and she did not know what is in store for her.ramya asked divya to go inside the bed room and wait there.divya without knowing any thing about the punishment she went into the room.after some time they both entered the room and asked divya to take a seat in the chair and she thought that they are going to scold her.she sat and she was listening to priya she said that she did not do it. ramya was not there in the room at that time. then entered ramya  into the room and she came near chair where divya was sitting soon priya also came near the chair and ramya brought a belt and tied divya's body onto the chair.she had never expected this.soon her hands were also tied to the chair with some rope by priya.divya asked what they where going to do to her.they both looked at her angrly.then ramya entered the room with a bucket of water with a mug in it.she dont know what was going soon priya took a cellotape and shut her mouth so that she not shout.priya moved the chair in front of a big dressing mirror through which divya could see her whole body tied inthe chair.priya went and switched on the ac.soon the room was cool.after some time ramya returns with a black box .when she opened it i found a straight razor ,three new blades,scissors.then divya got the whole thing .she knew that her hair was going to be cut.she tried to moved but she was tightly tied to the chair.she could not shout alsoas her mouth was sealed. priya began to remove divya's ponytail and ramya took a white cloth and caped her around the neck.then priya took a hand full of water and placed over divya's head .divya started crying and she was feeling were cool due to ac .after wetting completly she took the scissors.divya though crying ,felt that some of her hair would remain for her she was a little happy. this happiness was short lived .as soon as she went near her hair with the scissors she stopped and they both moved aside and had a little converstion.they returned back.soon priya took the mug with full of water and started massaging the hair.divya was very afraid that she would be shaved .without any hesitation priya took the straight razor and loaded it with a new blade .divya knew that she would be bald within a few minutes and could not do anything.priya caught a large amount of her hair and put it in the front.ramya was standing and witnessing this and she was very happy.she found that divya hair was so long and shinning with water.priya took the razor placed it in crown region and she pulled the razor.ramya began to see a white patch in the middle of the head.divya was crying heavily.soon priya moved the razor over her front head .soon the front portion was over.she looked like a bald old man with long hair in the sides.priya moved to th right and started removing the bangs.and then she moved back to have the backportion shaved .finnaly all of divya's lie in her laps and floor,all hair were long strands.finally priya gave another time razoring over divya's head.then she removed all the rope,belt and the cape. finally removed the cellotape from her mouth. divya looked herself through the mirror and she was a new bald beauty.priya told this was the punishment for destroying her saree.she could not speak and she got up and walked out of the room.

                             Ramya left seeing tonsure and she had it recorded in the handycam.divya went inside the kitchen.priya locked herself in the room.ramya then moved to divya and felt sorry for her .she said that priya was responsible all this.divya grew angry and she told that she will get her revenge.ramya told divya that she also did not like her sister and wanted to leave her.divya was confused.ramya at this moment said "do u want to the same what priya did to u"divya lit up and said yes as she was angry with priya.ramya told that she could shave her head this afternoon by adding this sedative in her lunch and she will become uncouncious and u could have ur revenge.divya asked why are u doing this to ur own sister .ramya replied that she didnot like her and she thinks that she is the beautiful girl around.

                            Lunch was prepared and served in the table by divya and she also added the sedative in one plate. priya did not know that she was double crossed .ramya was already in the table and priya came from the room and asked ramya where is divya .she said that she was crying in the kitchen.priya asked who prepared the lunch.ramya said that it was me who prepared the lunch. without any hesitation she started eating the lunch.after her lunch she went to divya and said that she was sorry for what she did.divya was crying still.ramya had also finished the lunch.priya went out to the hall and she sat for sometime and soon she fell unconcious .ramya went to kitchen and called divya .she also came.they both carried priya to her bedroom where the chair was in front of the mirror with all divya's hair on the floor.the place was untouched after the shave.ramya and divya managed to put priya in the chair. divya took the mug with water and started wetting priya's hair .she massaged her hair for 2 minutes as her hair was long.divya remembered priya coming and askin sorry to her.she felt that priya was her master if she would shave her head she would have no place to go and she utered to ramya that she will not do it.and went into the kitchen and locked her up.ramya wanted priya's head to be shaved and with divya locked herself up she planned to do the headshave by herself and tell to priya that divya did it after she was concious.ramya started putting the same white cape around priya's neck and started massaging her hair.ramya took the same razor and loaded it with a new blade .she started from the back.she kept the razor at the crown region and pulled it downwards and long strands fell from priya's head hten she placed the razor in the crown region.and started goig scr....scrrr.... now the front was over .long strands of priya's hair was on her laps and in the floor.divya's hair was also there in the floor untouched.then she completed her bangs .and ramya saw priya's new shaved plate and she removed the cape and large amount of hair was on the floor both priya's and divya's.

                                Ramya thought that priya would be awake soon and go she thought of going to the shop and return back in the evening.that way she can tell that divya had shaved her head and i was out for shopping at that time.the idea thought by ramya was good,she felt and she left locking the front door.  soon priya got concious and went bizzark when she saw her baldplate.she was very angry and she could not remember anything what happened.she immediately felt that divya was responsible for this and she went searching for her.she was not found and she saw her front door locked.she thought that divya had escaped from the home.priya decided to call the police home.

                         She thought of what evidence she will show to the police when they arrive here.she remembed the security system.she switched on the computer to see what happened in her home.priya was stunned to see the videos recorded by her secret camera in all her rooms.she saw that ramya had switched on the gas stove and placed the iron box over the saree which she thought that divya did it.she went more angry when she saw the conversation between ramya and divya in the kitchen about the sedative.finnaly she was stuck with a final blow.she saw the video where ramya was shaving her head and divya was not in the room.she now noticed that ramya was the culprit behind this and she was burning like a red hot chillie inside.she thought of not calling the police as ramya is her own sister and her career will be spoiled by calling the police.

                              Priya then went and sat in the hall waiting for ramya to come her suprise the kitchen door opened and divya came out with her bald head.though she was angry with priya she went to a suprise seeing  priya's head shaved like hers.she asked who did it.priya with anger told that bitch ramya was behind all this and she had placed the iron box over the saree and shaved my head. divya then told that it was ramya's idea to put the sedative in the lunch.priya said i know all.divya asked how.priya then said about the security system in her home.finally they both realized what happened and got their headshaved.priya and divya where waiting angrly for ramya to return.priya said to divya that we shave ramya's head too like ours.divya without any hesitation noded he head. priya told divya to remian hidden when ramya arrives home.when she arrives home i will take her to my bedroom u come behind with the same belt and rope and we can tie her upin the chair.they were waiting till 4:00pm

                             Finally ramya arrived ,divya was hiding in the closet.ramya saw the angry face of priya sitting in the hall.she went near her and asked what happened and where is divya.priya starred at her and asked her come to my bedroom.she came.divya came out of the closet and sneeked from behind.priya pushed ramya onto the chair.divya was holding her up and priya put the belt over ramya's body and tied her hands to the chair .she could not move.she yelled at priya that divya is the one who shaved your head and not me and she also said that she doesnt know anything.priya switched on the computer and showed her the videos which was recorded by the secret camera in every room. ramya got stunned and said "what is it...?""how did it happen...?''ramya then later realized that they both knew what had happened and she went crying.she begged priya not shave her head and she apolgized that she was sorry and she will go to native now itsely .priya took the cellotape and sealed her mouth like divya. she started crying .priya took a mug full of water and poured it over ramya's head she had long blakish touching her waist.priya started massaging andthe hair was wet enough .ramya started crying heavily.tears started to touch her laps.priay took the same whit cape and tied it around ramya's neck.she then took the same razor and loaded it with a straight razor.ramya's eyes went big.priya grabbed ramya's hair from the crown region and put it in her front
and placed the razor on the crown region and started scr...scrrr..... white patches appear on ramya's head.priya carried on the front. soon the front was completed and large pile of blackish hair fell on ramya's lap and she she started with her bangs and then priya moved back and started scr... scrrr.... on the back of ramya's head from the crown.soon she also become a bald plate.ramya looked at the mirror and her face was rainnig with tears.soon priya removed the capeand all the beautiful blackish hair fell in the that time all the three girls were at the same looked like tirupathi where tonsure would take place.priya removed the belt and rope.ramya ran with tears in to her room an locked it.divya was looking all the time what was happening.priya went and called to her parents and asked them to come tommorow morning and called to her office and said that she wont come for a month.the hair and the chair where untouched.

                                Its wednesday morning,parents arrive.they were stunned to see priya with bald head.they asked what happened.priya explained all the things which happened yestreday and her mother asked where is ramya.ramya came out from the slaped her and said "look what have u done...?".u deserve this after u are not coming to madras to met ur sister.ramya went along with parents and divya was staying with me as she did not worry abt head anymore.saturday came and priya's husband came home.he was stuck with suprise and asked what happened.priya explained it all.priya's husband convinced her by saying that u look gorgeous with bald head.                                                             

Fifth Day by Raj

       I am Priyanka, 20 years old.  My job is “I will fulfill rich people sexual feelings just for money” because these days we cannot lead a costly life without money, so I have chosen this way and it suits me. Actually many men contact me through my phone and they will tell the address and I will tell the amount if both of us get satisfied then we will join and enjoy the day sexually.

      I am white fair beautiful girl, and my specialty which differentiate me from others girls is my beautiful hair, because my hair is long, thick, and silky so most men prefer me. One fine Sunday I got a phone call from a stranger, and he gave me an address and told me to come. After taking bath I combed my hair neatly and I went there. Once he saw me he asked me to come in and asked me to sit in a cot, unlike other customers he didn’t start on he came near me and gave a lip to lip kiss and sat behind me and started to unbraid my hair and he took a comb and he started to comb it and play with it and he took me to a mirror and asked me to sit in the chair in dressing table facing the mirror and he took a white cloth and caped it around me I was confused weather I got stuck with a crack fellow, then he started to comb again and imitated  like a barber as if he is cutting my hair, I suddenly got out from the chair.

      Then he explained his problem that he is a hair fetish and he haven’t shaved any women’s head in real life and he will pay me a large amount for my head shave which will be carried by him. I hesitated and went out; he came behind me and asked for it again and again. I called him and I told my problem i.e. if I am bald no guy will mate me and I cannot lead a rich life. He then told me that he will take care of all my expenses for five month and he will give sexual support when I need, plus a large amount in cash, this made me to rethink and I accepted but I asked for five days time. In these five days I went to my friend’s, relative’s home because after my shave I cannot move freely to their homes.

     The fifth day came his most expected day in his life. I went to his guest house directly where he asked me to come. I was normal without make up so he took me to a nearest parlor and gave some beauty treatment to me.

     Then he told me the entire program because it is going to be recorded in video camera.He will be acting as a barber and he told me to come inside the bed room and he told me what I have to do. He told me once I entered I have to ask the barber to shave my head. As he said I went inside and asked him to shave my head. He now the barber told me to remove my dress and take the seat in front of the dressing table with my bra and panty. As he said I went and sat in the chair. I looked beautiful with my bra and panty when I saw me in the mirror. Near the mirror there are a straight edge razor, electric clipper, scissor of two sizes small and medium, and comb of three different styles and water in a bottle.

    Then he took a white cloth and caped around me leaving my hair outside. He came near me and stood behind me and asked can we start? I nodded my head. Then he unbraided my hair and started to comb it and after that he sprayed water in my head and wet it thoroughly. Then he took the comb and a scissor and started to cut my hair from its edge. My hair length started to decrease from my waist length to my shoulder length. He then kept the comb and scissor in table and started to wet my hair again, then he massaged my hair for five min. then he told he is going to divide my hair into two sections and he combed my hair parted into two and he put ponytail on two sides, since my hair is thick enough both the sides looks like a big bun. He then removed the hair band from one side and started to massage then he took electric clippers and started to run in one part, my hairs fall like a cascade in my lap now I am half bald.

    I was enjoying the clippers then he kept the clippers down and took the straight edge razor and started to shave my hairs near the ear and the small hairs that are in the edge which haven’t entered in my ponytail and the hairs in my nape by applying water. Then he removed the white cloth me collected the hair in a bag and asked me to sit cross legged down in the floor and he applied some water and took the straight edge razor and started to shave rest half of my head. Water droplets are all over my body and within a min my hairs started to fell in my lap and in shoulders. He then shaved my armpits and Pusey. Then he collected all my entire hair in a bag and gave me a nice bath.

    Then as he told he gave me money and I went happily. He took the video camera and he enjoyed the full head shave video acted and directed by him.

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18 yearold Process by Chandra

I am Chandra, 19 years old and I am doing my engineering in a prestigious institution.

      In south India every child gets his or her first head shave in temple when they are one are two years old, but I haven’t got my head shave till last month. As like other family my family members also planned to shave my head when I was one year old in my family temple, but my father didn’t allow for it because he got more love and affection on me since I am her only daughter. My mother was forcing my father to accept for my head shave but he didn’t and the same problem went on for years then she too stopped talking about this.

     The problem starts when my parents went to see my family astrologer with my horoscope to clear some doubts regarding my higher studies. He told, there is a barrier from our family god and it will not allow me to get married and this can be solved only by redoing the process which had been left 19 years ago they were shocked to hear this especially my father. They consulted me about this problem and I told I will accept for anything because I know they will do only good for me. Keeping my future in mind they kept my head shave after one week in my family temple and they announced it to my relatives and to my uncle.

    The day came and we went to our temple early in the morning since this is a delayed family function most of my relatives came. I felt shy to sit and take a shave in front of them but I have to take on. I was in my half saree and my mom told me not to put braid just keep it in ponytail and that will be easy for the barber. I was talking with my friends that I haven’t shaved my head since my childhood and that could be one of the reasons for my hair to grow long and thick and I also shared my fear about my shave to them. 

      My servant came there to call me to come near river where all are waiting for me. I went, there was huge crowd and in the center there were two men’s sitting, one is my uncle (mother’s brother) and the other is barber who is busy in inserting a new blade in his straight edge razor.  Once I went there my mother kept some flowers in my head and asked me to sit in my uncle’s lap because these are the procedures that are to be followed while shaving first time.

        Barber came near me and removed my hair band from my pony tail and he applied water since my hair is long it took some time for him to wet it completely. During that time I saw many people some make fun of me, some pity on me, some tensed on me, but my daddy was not there in the crowd. Once my hair is completely wet barber asked me to bend down. Then he parted my hair into two and makes two bun of hair out of them.

   Water droplets were falling from my hair then he kept the straight edge razor on my head and started to move slowly. I can feel the running of razor in my head for the first time. In five min my first bun of hair fell in my lap then it rolled to my uncle’s lap and then it went to ground in another three min rest of my hair came to my lap and then reached ground. He then moved the razor once again for a clean shave.

  Then I stood up wiping out the hairs from my half saree. I went to take bath after my bath they applied sandal in my head. Then they asked me to come to temple, with a bald head and a new dress I went to temple they were waiting for me to put ears stug then they put one hole in each ear and they inserted a newly made gold . There ends the festival, then I searched my father he was sitting upset when he saw me he started crying and he told he is responsible for all these and  I convinced him that I can understand you and this is not your fault and I told him that you are the best daddy in the world.

Devotional Headshave of Ganga

      Hi iam Ganga from India and this is a true story which has happened recently in my life. Mine is a love cum arranged marriage. Myself and my husband made a owe to shave our heads once our marriage goes without any problem in Titupathi(a place where head shave is common, famous & powerful owe made by people all around the world).As anticipated our marriage went fine without any problem and we both decided to go to Tirupathi for one weekend to shave our head.

       As planned one Saturday morning we reached tirupathi and taken a cottage. I have told my husband to get a female barber to the cottage to shave our heads as there will more crowd in the shaving hall. Within half an hour my husband got a mid aged female barber to the cottage. I told my husband to get his head shave first as I got to unpack the stuff from the bags. The female barber told my husband to remove the shirt and told him to sit cross legged in one corner of the room where she has spread the newspaper and told me to get some water in a bowl. She also sat cross legged opposite to my husband and started wetting my husbands head with the water and massaged for some time to make sure the total head is wet for the shave. Then she took the straight razor from her pouch and inserted a half blade and swiped 4 or 5 times in her palm. Then he told to bend his head to have good reach to shave and she started running the razor all over his head like combing some ones hair. Since his head is wet she has not struggled to shave his head and within 2 minutes my husband head is totally hairless. Then again she put some water and started shaving his head leaving it shining. Then she shaved his moustache & bearded without any shaving cream. 

      Once she is done with my husband she asked me to get ready for the shave. I unbraided my hair and I sat cross-legged wearing my saree. She suggested me to remove my saree and told me sit wearing only my bra & panties as it will spoil my dress. As she is also a lady I really didn’t mind sitting wearing only bra & panties for the shave. 

We both had a great shaving experience as she had done a good job we paid her more than agreed and had a good darshan.

Dandruff Headshaveof Sunitha

      My name is Sunitha and iam 14yrs old living with my parents. Since I had not taken care of my hair I got in to the trouble of having dandruff problem where my hair growth has stopped drastically and started giving an ugly look. My mother has tried many shampoos, oils even medicine’s to get ride of this problem. But nothing has given me a long turn solution. One of my mother’s friend has suggested to go for a total head shave which will help you to get rid of this problem. Initially my mother was hesitating to go for this solution but then she also has realized to go with that.

      One Sunday my mother told me to get ready for the head shave as she already called the local barber home to shave my head. Once the barber has arrived home my mother took me to the bath room and told me to remove my skirt & shirt and told me to sit in the wooden plank on the floor wearing only my petticoat. While removing my dress she has noticed some hair growth in my armpits. Since the barber is a old man I was not feeling shy to sit for the head shave wearing only my petticoat. By the mean time the old barber has taken his straight razor from his bag and started putting a half blade in to it. Then the barber told me to sit in the wooden plank cross legged so as to have a good reach on my head. Then he started massaging my head with the water for some time and once my head was totally wet he put my head down. I was quite excited about the shaving and then he was holding my head with his left hand started shaving from the top of head towards my nape with his right hand. He made a short stroke with every shaving to make sure the hair is totally shaved. Within 5 minutes my head is totally bald and he rubbed his hand to make sure every thing is shaved. Then he took a shaving tube & shaving brush from his bag and started putting the shaving gel on the head. Then he made the shaving brush wet and put some water on my head. With the shaving brush he started make the foam on my head and started spreading all over my head. Now my head is totally covered with the shaving and then he put a new half in the razor and started shaving allover my head. This time he did it fast and within 2 minutes my head started shinning like a cube ball. My mother put her hand on my head and did a final inspection.

      Once my mother was satisfied with his work she told the barber to shave my armpit also. Without any hesitation he told me to raise my right hand and started shaving my armpit without any water from the top. Once it is done he did the same thing running the razor in reverse direction to make it smoother. The same treatment is done on my left hand underarms also. After that I stood up and making a move to take bath. Immediately my mother sat on the wooden plank and started removing her blouse wearing only bra. Both barber and I were confused. Then she requested the old barber to shave her armpit as the growth is very thick. Even though the barber is old man he was quite excited to shave a lady armpit. Without any hesitation he accepted for the same and told her to raise her right arm. Since my mothers armpit hair growth is very thick he massaged the armpit with water for 30 secs with that I saw my mother was flying high. Then he applied the shaving gel and started making the foam by running the shaving brush all over her armpit. Now her armpit is totally covered with shaving foam. Then he took the razor and started shaving it from top to bottom with short strokes. Once everything is shaved he again applied a load of shaving cream and started shaving it from bottom to top leaving her armpit shining. The same is done on the left hand under arms also. Finally with his fingers he started examining both of her armpits by rubbing his fingers all over her armpit and intentially he rubbed on the side of her breast also (which ever part is not covered by her bra).Even my mother also didn’t mind about that as she had a great shaving experience .The old barber left happily with a good money for a head & both of our armpit shaving.

      Once the barber has left home my mother gave me a safety razor to shave my pussy and she told as your body hair started growing,atleast every 10 days you should shave your pussy & armpit and keep it always clean through your life from the hygienic point of view. From that day onwards till date I keep my pussy & armpit clean shaved every week and we both became good friends. With that head shave my dandruff problems have come down.

My Real Headshave Experience by Ratul

      Hi, I am ratul working as a telecom engg. Since from childhood my best friend none other than gorgeous lady. As the time passes out we are build our career both. From same school, collage. she is very beautiful looking with long hair. and she is very naughty also.after finish schooling we both got chance in same collage. and we take a rented flat. as we grow from childhood we both rely on each other.and our family also know they are not interfere in between us. as the day’s goes on we both devote to our study. i don’t really look at her.we both share our knowledge all the time.In Sunday we use to take our lunch in home.we both prepare hand to Sunday after finish my bath I go through the newspaper.certainly my eyes stuck on her.after taking bath she is combing her beyond knee length thick hair.i was really astonished to see her beautiful thick long hair that I was not noticed in past days.i was not look anywhere until she was finish her combing.As a telecom student we have PC in our room.we both share the PC.

     From that day I really getting love of her thick long hair.she also don’t know that I love her gorgeous hair.but I dream about her thick mane all the time.after that day I always look at her long hair.i was get mad about her hair.

      One day I came back from collage early and find the long hair site in the internet. Certainly I find various long hair site. Though we both share a single room.both of us have a duplicate day she come early and saw that I am browsing the long hair site.that time I am bit uncomfortable.gradually she knows that I like her beautiful hair. One fine morning she asked me to give me a head massage  ‘I have very much headache’. I said ‘no prob its my pleasure’. That time I am eagerly wanted to touch her beautiful long hair. I sit on her back and slowly give her a nice head massage. She also hesitate to tell me that she is not maintain her thick long hair properly along. She need some help of others to maintain her hair. After she knows that I am mad about her hair. One day she shyly told me to comb her thick long hair. I was started to comb her almost floor length thick hair. I slowly comb her hair and its takes almost half an hour to finish it. After that I make a big bun with her gorgeous hair.Then she told me please make a beautiful braid. I started to do it. So from that day I got the job of her hairdresser. And I am very much satisfied to do this.

      Like these almost six months are gone. One Sunday I working with my PC. Certainly she asked to give a oil massage to her hair. I said it’s ok. After finish the oil massage as usual I make a big bun of her hair. Then she said wait for moment. I am waiting. She go to room and take a scissors. I am quite dumb at this moment to see the scissors. She gave the scissors to my hand. My hand is now shivering. Then she told me to cut the split end of her thick long hair. Then I loose her big bun. And comb once more to make it straight. Then I told her to keep sit straight. After that I was started to cut her split end hair. It was a big opportunity for me. Slowly I finished my work. Then she look at mirror that is It maintain straight. Then she gave a sweet thanks and told me ‘u save my money and time’.

      After finish our collage. We both got job in different company. But we stay together in that same flat. And everyday I used to comb her long thick wavy hair. And I was used to that. B’cus I am very much mad about her long thick hair. One Friday evening we both go for shopping. As we both have holiday in Saturday and Sunday. We both almost finish our shopping then she told me to buy a straight razor. I buy it to thought that she have some work with that. After finish our dinner like other days comb her long thick hair and make a big bun. Next day morning I am doing some pending work. Then she came with two mug of coffee. We both share our experience about our work. Certainly she slowly told me that she want to shave her head. I look at her. I don’t believe my ear. I told her ‘why??’. She told me that she want to offered her hair as he got the job. I strongly insist. And  I told plz don’t do this with u’r beautiful hair. Now I knew that why she buy the straight  razor yesterday. I told her what u’r family member said when they knew that. She told me that she already got the permission from them. But I still insist her idea. And she told me tomorrow she will do the shaving. And she need my help. I said what type of help? She told me she want to shave her head in my hand. I told her I cannot do this..plzz go to any perlour. And once more I want to convince her ‘why she want to loose her glory’. She don’t reply me. To thought that she will shave her hair tomorrow which I touch, feel and maintain for the last two years. I cannot believe. Then she give the comb and told me comb her hair. Slowly I combed her thick long floor length hair. I thought today is maybe the last day of  my daily work. After combing give her oil massage of her glory. And as usual make a big bun. Then she requested me to wash her hair. I said ok. She came with a bucket of water and bottle of shampoo.  I unloose her big bun and slowly poured water in her head. Then I added the shampoo to her hair. It’s a lifetime experience for me that I couldn’t describe. To wash her thick hair take almost half h hour. Then I wrapped her hair with towel.

      After finish I was go through the daily newspaper. Then we both take our lunch. After finish of our lunch I sat idle and thought tomorrows event. Then she come in varandha and unloose her big bun from towel. The long thick black hair falls like waterfall and I was watching this. Sunlight directly fall to her hair and her silky thick hair is shining. My eyes was stucked In her hair. I again request her not to shave. I know that once she decided. She give the comb and requested to comb her silky hair. I touched her hair and feel more silky then ever and I played her hair. She also enjoyed. That night I played her hair again. And this is may be the last time for me to touch, feel her long thick hair. I played her hair till the midnight. At 2:30 I got to sleep. But I could not sleep.

       Next day is Sunday. I used get late in Sunday. certainly she come with cup of coffee and called me up. She was wearing a milk white salwar and her thick long shiny hair almost covered her body. Still now I remember that moment. Then we take our breakfast. And I go through the newspaper. Now it is 10:00 am. Then she said can we start. I don’t replied. I was really dumb at this moment. She take a new box of blade , the straight razor , scissors ,comb and a bucket of water. She said can we start. She sat on high tool. I loose her big bun. Her long thick hair touches the floor. The thick black long hair now flowing on her back. This is the last time I combed her glory. And really I feel it in my heart. I combed her thick long hair almost half an hour. Then took scissors to cut it short to manage it properly. But she said “don’t cut it u just directly go for shave”. It is quit difficult to shave her thick hair. Then combed her hair into two part. She was quit excited and thrilled about her new head shave.

      I poured some water in the left part of her hair. And started to massage as because her hair is very much thick and heavy. I continue the process about to fifteen minute. Now her weated hair is flowing in her back and front side also. I took a new blade from box and fitted to straight razor. For the last time I feel to touch her thick long hair. I asked her “are u ready?” she shyly replied “ok”. I started from back. Slowly her long glory is falling on the floor. As the razor goes from back to front. Now big bulge of thick hair fall in her lap. Her left side is almost shaved. Bulk of thick long hair is scattered on floor and on her lap. I poured water again and shave once more of her left side for clean shave. Right part of her hair is untouched. I am feeling bit tired. Because her hair is to much thick and long. I requested her for a cup of coffee. She got up from high tool with her half shave head and came back with a cup of coffee for me.

      After finish my coffee I again prepare for rest of her shave. She again sit on high tool and I started to massage her hair with water. After 5 min her hair is bit soft. I changed the razor. And take new one. I started shaving from back of her head. After 10 min I completed her shaving. Once again I changed the razor and give her complete full shave.

Now she at mirror and give me thanks and hug me.

This is one of the lifetime experience of my life. And I am one the lucky person that I have got such a good friend.


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My Dream

         One fine day my friend called me and told he is going to thirupathi to represent his company for a presentation and he told if u r willing you can join me in the trip. I just told ok I will join you but the reason is I can see some live head shaves there.

           We reached thirupathi about 6 in the morning and he asked me to stay in the room and went to his branch office at 9 am. I was eager to see kalyanakatta so I went there after my lunch but to my surprise there was very less crowd and there were no girls or women in the crowd. I came down after two hours of waiting; suddenly I got an idea of going to mini kalyanakatta, so I went there.

           I went inside there was no one except the shaving equipments once I saw the equipments I was eager to touch it. I went near it and took the straight edge razor and I started to imitate like a barber, which I have seen in videos, suddenly I noticed someone came inside, I was afraid and I turn back, there was a man standing near the door. I thought he was barber, but he came inside and turn back and nodded his head and gave signal for someone to come in to my surprise a lady I think his wife and a beautiful girl may be his daughter came in, but I cannot see their hair since they were facing me. That man thought I am the barber and he gave me one blade and one token, I first hesitated then I saw the token and blade in that lady’s hand so I thought I can face any kind of problem. I asked the man to be seated and I saw the girl she was very much beautiful and she saw me and she smiled till now I cannot forget that smile. By looking her I applied water in her fathers head and started to shave, my hands are shivering to use the straight edge razor for the first time I some how managed and finished that man’s head shave and I saw that women.

          She came forward and sat in the wooden piece and gave me the token and blade. I was eager to see her hair length. So I asked her to turn back I opened my mouth by seeing its length it touches the ground a thick plait. I enjoyed the moment while I removed her plait and then I massaged her hair by applying water then I parted her hair into two and I make bun of hairs from them. Then I shaved her head I cannot control my emotions when I saw that lady with shaved head and her hair with me. she stood up I wiped out the hairs from her shoulders, she smiled and kept two steps backward but they were not moving out, they both saw their daughter she was standing in a corner. She was shivering and her mother went near her and she moved her daughter near me and asked her to be seated.I went to my final stage of my happiness hearing that. She sat before me and gave me the token and blade. She was beautiful she came there like an angel but in a few minutes she will be….

               I asked her to turn back she did. I took her plait in my hand and it was soft, it was not so long as her mothers but it was a thick plait as her mothers. I removed her plait it spread all around and it covered her back and I asked her to get seated facing me, she did her eyes were full of water, I asked her to bend down then I took a jug full of water I applied it on her hair and I started to massage, her beautiful hair is in my hand now then I parted her hair into two as like her mothers and made a bun then I asked her to see me she was beautiful at that situation with water all over head and her hairs in bun. Unlike others I started her shave from her forehead left side and I saw her and she saw me I kept razor on her head and started to move slowly she shivered a little bit and came to normal situation, her hair started to fall in her lap and then in ground her hair near the ears are beautiful and I enjoyed to shave it , now she is half bald, then I started the other side and I finished her head shave completely now she is completely bald, she saw me I smiled then she smiled I took my kerchief and I wiped her hair from her shoulders, lap and nape then her father called her to get up. I collected her hair and put it in a carry bag.

           She went out to take bath, I ran outside from that place because real barber can come at anytime. I waited for her near the temple because she will come there to pray lord. She did a bald family came, she wore a new dress she was totally sexy in that dress and look beautiful she applied sandal in her head. She saw me and smiled I too smiled and I asked her phone no in hand signal she wrote something in one paper and throw it to me and smiled. I opened but before seeing it my friend woke me and told me “get up its already late for college” it was all dream but if have opened I might have got some clue about her , anyhow I enjoyed the dream.